Leonard Nimoy made sci-fi hip and relevant. And what a legacy to leave behind.
The beloved actor, who died Friday at the age of 83, will forever be known as Mr. Spock, his “Star Trek” TV-and-movie alter-ego who, with a cock of the head or an arch of the eyebrow, could register any number of emotions courtesy of his half-human genes — which frequently overrode the cool logic of his Vulcan bloodline. That’s the first image that popped into my head after hearing about Nimoy’s death — that look of bemusement on Mr. Spock’s face when talking to/lecturing Dr. McCoy (DeForrest Kelley) — whom Spock exasperated to no end — or questioning Captain Kirk (William Shatner). That, and how this very special actor translated Spock’s half-human/half-Vulcan dichotomy into a believable, beloved character that resonated — not only with ’60s-era baby boomers but with a new generation exposed to Mr. Spock’s unique brand of hip. Call it sci-fi cool — no mean feat in a genre littered with campy trash.
Unlike some of his “Star Trek” brethren — at least those from NBC’s mid-’60s series — Nimoy embraced his place in pop-culture history .?.?. eventually. It took this self-reflective actor years of stormy denial to come to terms with his special acting gift. And he wasn’t afraid to take his fans along for the angst-ridden ride with two memoirs — “I Am Not Spock” and “I Am Spock.”
And that’s why they loved him.
He was also the antithesis of his on-screen partner William Shatner, who ranks right up there with Nimoy in the “Star Trek” firmament. Shatner, from the get-go, alienated most of his Starship Enterprise colleagues and is still at odds with George “Mr. Sulu” Takei — nearly 50 years since the original series aired. WTF?
Nimoy felt secure enough with his talent, and his legacy, to repeat his Spock role in a slew of “Star Trek” movies (two of which he directed) and to explore other avenues of creativity — including music (he released five albums of “vocal recordings”) and a late-in-life passion for photography. He capped it all off, in his twilight years, with a grand gesture: announcing that he was handing the pointy Spock ears off to “Star Trek” newbie Zachary Quinto — so that he, too, could bask in the glory.
Classy move from a classy guy.
Today’s show-biz poseurs could learn a thing or two from the way Nimoy always carried himself — that regal air, emanating intelligence but never threatening. He was nothing like Mr. Spock and everything like Mr. Spock.
I miss him already.