Chase shows he’s a wise guy
Wisenheimer David Chase not wise about his “The Sopranos,” at first thinking, “Who’ll watch a show about my mother.” Then he added a badass guy — and bada bing, bada boom, Tony Soprano got born. Saturday comes two-parter “Wise Guy: David Chase and ‘The Sopranos’?” on HBO. Lots of shooting about lots of shooting. So, watch. Cook up red sauce .?.?. Kelsey Grammer guest bartended on LI’s North Fork to promote his Faith American Brewing Co. beer. Effing long name if you’re thirsty .?.?. Speaking of thirst, stuff’s seeping out about the immortal Salvador Dalí schlepping his wildcat pet ocelot to accompany him at the St. Regis King Cole Bar. Great idea. The animal drank less than Dalí .?.?. Podcasting from comedian Bill Maher’s basement about great guests such as Martin Short and Richard Dreyfuss — plus his shot of Scotch plus maybe a little bump of something — Quentin Tarantino needed the john. Quentin peed. Then, much enlightened, happily stumbled off for steak. Hey, there’s no business like blow, er, show business.
The living is easy — for some
TO take holiday time off I first informed our NYP’s warm, fuzzy editors. Deeply involved in our paper, one’s schlepping through Greece, the other’s swanning out West. Me, I’m back. Them? The paper’s either creating a Missing Person flyer or Thursday they’ll be on a milk carton.
Also, while internationally known is how I’m never, ever, wrong, I need to state here that in my slightly limited, skewed, marred opinion, only his dead bear would ever vote for Robert Kennedy.
Feed the mind
FOOT doctor Rock Positano. Grand Central. Westchester-bound train. A nice gent took a nice pretzel out of a nice pocket. Homeless gent comes over, says, “I’m hungry. Nothing to eat.” The gentleman offered his prized pretzel. The homeless man says: “No, I can’t eat this pretzel because that good Samaritan touched it with his hand.” Sinless, foodless, pious.
Not so ‘Great’
TODAY’S Broadway Theatre stage hit reincarnates F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous “The Great Gatsby.” Upgraded seats even for floppolas cost maybe $150. During intermission this guy buys two drinks. For himself and lady. Two drinks. Cost? $83. Kamala’s pantsuits cost less.
CREDIT cards, mortgages, IOUs, borrowings, college debt, income tax, layaways, 10% down, high prices, cost of bread, anyone not in debt these days just isn’t trying.
And NOT Only in New York, kids, not only in New York.